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Pricewathcer.gr tracks product prices on the 3 biggest supermarkets in Greece: Masoutis, Sklavenitis and AB.


Prices listed on pricewatcher.gr do not include discounts or offers.

There are 2 reasons for this: The first reason is that some discounts may only be valid for holders of a loyalty card (e.g. mas card).

The second reason is that discounts can be used to cover price increases. For example, let's take a product that yesterday cost 4 euros with no discount. Today the price changes to 5 euros, but a 20% discount is applied for 4 days, so the price is still kept at 4 euros, although the real price has already gone up.

When showing the price changes between two dates, we only take into account the prices on the starting and the final date, not the fluctuations in between.

For example, let's take product A which, over the last 6 days had these prices:

5 days ago 4 days ago 3 days ago 2 days ago 1 day ago (Yesterday) Today
Product A 10.00€ 10.00€ 10.00€ 5.00€ 5.00€ 10.00€

We have the following changes:

  • Between yesterday and today we have a 100% increase going from €5 to €10
  • Between 3 days ago and 2 days ago, we have a 50% price reduction, going from €10 to €5
  • Between 3 days ago and today, we have a 0% price change as the starting price is the same as the final price, €10

The prices are retrieved daily from each supermarket's eshop.

Tapping on the shop's logo next to each product will take you to that product's eshop page.